Macross Plus is a four-episode anime OVA (original video animation) series that was released in 1994. It is part of the Macross franchise, which is known for its mix of mecha combat, romance, and music. The story of Macross Plus follows two test pilots, Isamu Dyson and Guld Bowman, who are competing to become the next main pilot of the cutting-edge variable fighter, the YF-19. Their rivalry is complicated by the presence of Myung Fang Lone, a former mutual acquaintance who is now a producer of the virtual idol Sharon Apple. As the story unfolds, the characters navigate themes of love, ambition, and the ethics of artificial intelligence. The series is known for its stunning animation, engaging characters, and memorable music, including the iconic song “Information High” performed by Sharon Apple. Overall, Macross Plus is considered a classic of the mecha genre and has garnered a dedicated fanbase since its release.
Anime is cool. But this was in 1994. Could these machines really exist? In the Japanese secret space force? It is 2024, 30 years later…
Those toys, they exist as war machines at the UN SPACEY
they give u gundam just to tease u
as Hugo Chavez so bluntly put it
Mr. Danger
Let JCJ take control of skull squadron
give it up
who landed the nintendo top gun carrier landing?
not angry nintendo nerd
but Joe
I was an ace pilot on the Texas front of the Vietnam war.
I’m smart. Not dumb like everyone says.
I can handle things! I’m smart! Not like everybody says! Not dumb, I’m smart, and I want respect!
I won’t let them DEIFY you DUBYA!
Me neither.
I refuse to be your Skull & Bones stormtrooper
You fly into battle Ace Bush
Like Bill Paxton, the president in that Independence day movie.
I am a better President than Bill Paxton.
u cretin.
u failed the IQ test again dubya.
That’s why i refuse to fly tandem with you.
I was just tripping out to Robbie Williams’ Trippin song.
You got to let the bird fly boys.
Yes, i a have a role for you and Jozo in Top Gun 3: Apocalypse, if you help me write it. I want to write it myself despite dyslexic problem i have.