13: A Spell of Protection

Psalm 13

WOmen's suffrage

For safety from unnatural death; for curing
painful eye diseases.


NF’s Cystic Fibrosis was induced by an arsenic tainted childhood vaccine. I protect her from ending up in her old BF Brian Oliveira’s funeral home. Selenium is an arsenic antagonist that makes CF sufferers well. So eat some brazil nuts this christmas CF patients.

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5 Replies to “13: A Spell of Protection”

  1. u either get the young pope symbolism or u don’t


    u see the 9/11 twin towers or u don’t.

    not my fault.

    our lady of fatima said play card 13 first

    Secret Covenant

    destroy john d rockefeller’s skull and bones secret covenant and save everyone

    the jews didn’t kill jesus
    the romans didn’t kill jesus

    the illumined money lenders paid for his death after he turned their tables and gave their money to the poor

    he died 3 days later

  2. The Illuminati Outline of History – part 1 of 4

    Dawn of time to 1000 C.E.

    Alpha and Omega — Immanentizing of the Eschaton.

    20,000,000 BC — Recent Epoch of geeology begins; Ice Age ends; human beings spread to all parts of the world.

    30,000 — First Illuminatus, Gruad, rules in Atlantis.

    20,000 — Mythical Lloigor inhabit continent of Mu.

    10,000 — Approximate beginning of agriculture. Estimated date of inscriptions on stone disks by the Dropa tribe, a diminuative people of the Bayan-Kara-Ula Mountains on the border of China and Tibet; disks describe how the tribe came to earth in flying machines; ancient Dropa graves contain human remains with huge heads and small bodies. Earliest estimated date of carving of the Crystal Skull found at Lubaantun in the Yucatan.

    Hyborian Age in Europe.

    9,000 to 10,000 — Date of Plato’s Atlantis.

    6,000 — Picture writing develops.

    5,000 — First alphabet begins to develop.


    73 — Revolt of gladiators led by Spartacus.

    44 — Assassination of Julius Caesar.

    4 — Birth of Jesus of Nazareth, accompanied by various Illuminoid trappings: three early Men-In-Black disguised as the Wise Men; strange lights in the sky; miracles such as visits from angels, prohpecy and suspension of time are reported.

    0 — Carnation-Painted Eyebrows Society, Copper Horses, Iron Shins and other secret societies active in China.

    C.E. 30 — Assassination of the radical Jesus, allegedly on Illuminati orders; more Illuminoid trappings; an eclipse; an earthquake; visitorsfrom the sky roll away the stone from the sepulcher and liberate the crucified Jesus.

    100 — Hero of Alexandria devises primitive steam-engine.

  3. the conspiracy theory of the LOOSE album is that it was named after SISTER LUCY

    ripley’s believe it or not. i am named after Nellie Connelly

    1962 — Suicide of Marilyn Monroe under questionable circumstances. Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden. Oswald returns to America with his Russian wife, an alleged KGB agent. Retired General Walker arrested on Attorney Robert Kennedy’s orders when Walker became involved in the racial disorders in Oxford, Mississippi; Walker stripped naked and flown to Springfield, Missouri, prison for examination; Walker reported to be incompetent but was later released and ran against John Connally for Governor of Texas. Hunt becomes head of CIA’s new Domestic Operations Division. CIA interference in Ecuadorian politics. CIA allegedly pays a Canadian agriculture technician to infect Cuban turkeys with Newcastle disease (though the technician supposedly double-crossed them). Ruby allegedly flies from Mexico City to visit Havana. CIA begins using secret terror teams in Vietnam, roots of Operation Phoenix. Dr. Edgar Schein outlines behavior modification programs for U.S. prisons, based on Korean brainwashing techniques. Cuban missile crisis. De Mohrenschildt, friend of the Kennedys, befriends the Oswalds in Dallas. Durham employed by Des Moines Police Dept. UFOlogist Williamson disappears in South America. Film version of The Manchurian Candidate released. 1963 — Assassination of Sylvanus Olympio of Togo, Abdul Karim Kassem of Iraq, Medgar Evers of US, Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam and John Kennedy of US; Texas Gov. John Connally wounded, police officer Tippit and Oswald killed. Attempted assassination of General Walker in Dallas earlier, allegedly by Oswald; Oswald also supposedly threatened to kill ex-Veep Nixon, or was it Veep Johnson? the Warren Commission wasn’t sure. Alleged assassination attempt of JFK in Miami but right-winger Milteer spills the beans; another attempt in Chicago also supposedly foiled. Attempted assassination of Castro in which CIA agent Rorke is killed. Bilderberger meeting in Cannes, France. Johnson becomes president; almost immediately reverses JFK’s decision to withdraw from Vietnam. CIA begins weather modification project over Hue, Vietnam. Equadorian government overthrown. Profumo scandal in England, involving sex and spying, brings down Conservative government. Russia sends first woman into space. Unexplained radio transmission interrupts astronaut Gordon Cooper in unidentified language. Numerous MIB spotted in Dealy Plaza.

    Oswald in New Orleans:

    Oswald’s Fair Play for Cuba Committee established at same address as ex-FBI man Guy Bannister’s private detective office, also used for E. Howard Hunt’s (allegedly the “brother-in-law” Thornley met with several times over period 1961-1963) Cuban Revolutionary Council and other anti-Castro fronts; confrontation with Carlos Bringuier, another agent for CIA’s Domestic Contact Service, in front of Shaw’s International Trade Mart; Oswald asks Bringuier to hit him, pleads guilty when they are arrested, asks to see an FBI agent, is released and appears on radio and TV the next day to publicize his activities; Oswald allegedly meets Shaw, Ferrie and other operatives of the FBI and CIA; Oswald, Shaw and Ferrie allegedly attempt to register to vote in rural Clinton, Louisiana, attracting attention by arriving in a black Cadillac; Oswald and Thornley allegedly meet at nightclub; Thornley thinks it was a “look-alike”; Jack Ruby visits New Orleans to obtain “the services of a stripper known as ‘Jada,’ who became his featured performer.”

    Oswald in Mexico:

    Although Oswald was allegedly on a bus to Mexico at the time, someone calling himself “Harvey Oswald” appeared at the Selective Service office in Austin, Texas, to discuss his undesirable discharge; the next day Cuban refugee leader Sylvio Odio is visited in Dallas by two Latins and “Leon Osward” (whom they called “Leopoldo”) to discuss violent anti-Castro activities and revenge against Kennedy — though Oswald was supposedly on his way to Mexico City; Albert Osborne, who allegedly paid for 1000 Hands Off Cuba leaflets which Oswald distributed in New Orleans, allegedly rides the same bus with him to Mexico City; Oswald, or someone impersonating him, attempts to go to Cuba from Mexico City; while Oswald was in Mexico a second Oswald appeared at a Dallas rifle range to shoot bull’s-eyes, have his scope adjusted and talk to people there; Oswald returns to Dallas on bus No. 332, or was it No. 340? which had the name “Oswald” added to the manifest after the trip.

    Oswald in Dallas:

    Soon after returning from Mexico Oswald and his family allegedly drove to Alice, Texas, to talk with the manager of KPOY — though Oswald didn’t drive and the Warren Commission concluded he couldn’t have been in Alice then; Oswald attends General Walker’s John Birch meeting lecture and two nights later attends an ACLU meeting where he criticizes Walker’s alleged racism; someone looking like Oswald visits a furniture store in Irving, Texas, with his family, looking for a part for a gun; the second Oswald visits the Irving Sports Shop to have three holes drilled in a rifle, though Oswald’s only had two holes and they were drilled before he got it; the second Oswald cashes a $189 check at an Irving grocery store, buys groceries Oswald was unlikely to buy and gets a HAIRCUT accompanied by a teenager who allegedly exchanged leftist remarks with him; Oswald II visits the Lord-Lincoln auto agency to look at cars, test drives one at 70 mph and brags about coming into money soon and returning to Russia; Oswald II begins visiting Dallas/Irving rifle ranges to demonstrate his marksmanship, shooting bull’s-eyes and hitting other people’s targets; Oswald I writes a letter to the Dallas FBI which is destroyed soon after the assassination; Oswald I writes to “Mr. Hunt” asking to “discuss the matter fully before any steps are taken by me or anyone else”; two days before the assassination Oswald II creates a scene in a Dallas restaurant where Officer J.D. Tippit “glowered” at him; Oswald I allegedly seen at the Carousel Club, plotting with Ruby, Tippit and/or Bernard Weissman; Oswald I or II allegedly ordered distribution of the anti-Kennedy “Wanted for Treason” leaflets in Dallas; Oswald, or was it Billy Lovelady? photographed standing in the doorway of the Book Depository building at the moment Kennedy was shot; Oswald II allegedly seen fleeing from the back of the Book Depository immediately after the assassination; Oswald II confronts Tippit, Oswald I arrested in the Texas Theatre; Oswald’s voice prints show he told the truth when he said “I didn’t shoot anybody, no sir.”

    Faces in the Crowd:

    Among the several hundred witnesses to the assassination were the following: the “umbrella man” who supposedly signaled assassination teams to fire by closing his black umbrella; the “Babushka Lady,” who allegedly was introduced to “Lee Oswald of the CIA” by Jack Ruby and who also filmed the assassination, only to have the FBI confiscate the film and never return it; Joseph Milteer, the National States Rights Party leader who had disclosed the Miami plot against JFK and who had links through the NSRP to James Earl Ray’s brother Jerry; three tramps who were arrested soon after the assassination, two of them allegedly resembling E. Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis, the third possibly being Oswald II; Lee Harvey Oswald and George DeMohrenschildt who, so DeMohrenschildt told a hospital roommate just before his death, were together watching the parade when the shots were fired — Oswald ran and that was the last time DeMohrenschildt supposedly saw him.

    Some Nagging Doubts:

    Nixon, having attended a convention of Pepsi-Cola executives in Dallas, leaves for New York an hour before the assassination and was one of the few people who later forgot where he was at the time; J. Edgar Hoover also alleged to have been secretly in Dallas on the same day. Texas oilman H.L. Hunt taken into protective custody by federal agents after the assassination and kept in another city for several days to avoid threats by those who might think he was involved. DeMohrenschildt, in Haiti, expresses belief Oswald was a patsy and that the FBI killed Kennedy (though later DeMohrenschildt claimed to have been the link between H.L Hunt and Oswald in a right-wing plot to kill JFK). Ferrie allegedly flies to Dallas on evening after assassination but his actual whereabouts remain unclear. Ruby, allegedly in hypnotic trance, shoots Oswald after an unexplained horn honk signal in the Dallas Police building basement. Cuban Bay of Pigs veteran named Ruedelo arrives in Madrid, Spain, five days after Kennedy assassination, jailed for invalid visa. Murder of Jack Zangetti, Oklahoma motel owner who told friends the day after the JFK killing that Ruby would kill Oswald and a member of the Sinatra family would be kidnapped soon afterward to distract attention from the assassination. Frank Sinatra, Jr., kidnapped, released unharmed.

    1964 — Assassination of Jigme P. Dorji of Bhutan. Deaths associated with Kennedy assassination: Betty Mooney MacDonald, former Carousel Club stripper who had met Oswald at a party and provided an alibi for Darrell Wayne Garner (who was accused of wounding Tippit-killing witness Warren Reynolds), found hanged in her cell after being arrested for fighting with her roommate; Garner disappears, later found dead; Hank Killam, whose wife Wanda was also a stripper at Ruby’s club and who was a friend of John Carter who once lived in Oswald’s rooming house, evades police for several months, then found with a slashed throat in Pensacola, Florida; Gary Underhill, former Life editor and CIA agent who begged friends to protect him because he knew who killed Kennedy, found shot in left side of head — ruled suicide even though he was right-handed; Bill Hunter, Long Beach Press-Telegram reporter, who had met with Ruby’s roommate George Senator and Ruby’s attorney Tom Howard at Ruby’s apartment a few hours after Oswald’s murder, shot to death by a policeman in Long Beach, California, police station, accidentally; Jim Koethe, Dallas Times-Herald reporter also present at the meeting in Ruby’s apartment, killed by karate chop to the throat as he emerged from the shower; Mary Meyer, painter, niece of forester Gifford Pinchot and one of JFK’s lovers (who allegedly funneled LSD from an unsuspecting Timothy Leary to JFK), shot while taking a walk in Washington, D.C. — her secret diary confiscated by her CIA friend James Angleton, later allegedly destroyed. Robert Kennedy allegedly stalked in assassination plot during his New York senatorial race by Frank Chavez, associate of Ruby; Puerto Rican Teamster Ramon Ducos and Miguel Cruz who was allegedly arrested with Oswald in New Orleans and who claimed to have killed Kennedy; Chavez later killed by his bodyguard, Miguel Cruz. Durham kills wife, terminated from Des Moines police. Bilderberger meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia. Congress passes the Tonkin Gulf resolution giving LBJ power to make war on Vietnam. Virginia Miller, later known as “Blue Dove,” allegedly begins career as “disrupter” in the Amerindian community; later serves as FBI informer on Indian activities. Report of the Warren Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy released; Commission finds that Oswald, acting alone, killed JFK.

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