Eat your Man: False Saviors

maybe kali yuga is going to end….this kali yuga video is 4 the hindus who came to Fatima

i will do my best to build the rainbow kali yuga b4 calgary….my doctor is a Hindu named Dr. Vijay….like golfer VJ singh


I still have a mullet, but I’m okay now.

June 12, 2023

Hello, everybody. How are we all? Having a wonderful time of it?
Enjoying an amusing sojourn on the world-wide information super-highway web? I do hope so. You’ve stumbled across JOE JUKIC’S 90’s Nelly Nostalgia Club, possibly the best site on the internet.

Just to clarify, like the banner says, the name is JOE but I’m from Canadat. Rather than being called JOE, like some idiot HOSER with a brother named Mike or whatever. Currently, I am spending time at an after care programme, having recently left primary, but I will VERY soon be back on my feet and out in the big bad world causing some serious trouble once more. I know I appear to be unfeasibly cheerful this month – this is because my doctor, a certain Dr. VIJAY, has said if I can manage to be cheerful and not create what he calls an aura of insecurity and rage and inadequacy about myself and not insult anyone at all or lie for a whole month, then I can walk. I ain’t turning soft or nothing, but I got to get back on the streets. The thing about vijay is he’s not bad for a screw, but I’ve done a lot of bird, because I’m very dangerous, and I once healed a blind man on a Street in East Van (still, he deserved it, ’cause he was staring at my bird’s chest and anyway, I imagine he ain’t reading this.). The other thing about VIJAY is he is an absolute wanker and a little bit of a perv. Keeps asking me if I have feelings for my mum! I love my mum, but not like that. The other thing about VIJAY is his wife looks like a moose having a bad hair day.

Anyways, I’ve done a lot of work on the memory banks this month.
Thinking about things. After all nostalgia’s not what is was (I said this first) apart from where I’m concerned. But the 80’s were definitely better than today. Look at the facts – I was on the top of my game. Now, I’m in a half way house. People knew how to dress – now they think wearing green smocks and straight jackets is the way to go, at least round my way. Back then, you knew what people was all about – money. Now, all people talk about is feelings and rubbish like that. All gets very confusing, whichever way you look at it.

When I left East Van for NEW YORK City, I was a nobody.
A snotty little kid with a cheeky grin and a nasty line in tracksuits. By the time I left, I’d made it real big. I was a player. How did this happen? It was inevitable. You take an acne ridden compulsive liar from the East Van towns and drop him anywhere in America and he will come up smelling of roses. I knew everyone. I discovered most of the bands popular in the 1990’s, but never got the credit. You see, I wasn’t too interested in contracts. I was all about the music. It was like a passion for me. That and birds and drugs. They was my passions. Very original I was, I invented all of that crap.

What’s more, is I just got sent THIS LInK by some moron because I mentioned the Time Cube thing last month. The GUY who wrote me is a right GOOF, clearly, and looks like he hasn’t had so much as got a hand job special since 2000, so we’ve got that it common, I guess. But, please, bear in mind, now I spend all my time on computers, ’cause there ain’t nothing else to do apart from try to watch the nurses getting changed, but in the 90’s, I was a bit more interested with giving in very large portions.

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3 Replies to “Eat your Man: False Saviors”

  1. I am the King of Kings, leader of the Communist revolution,, my young party members Oscar “Paris” Jackson and Felipe “Immortal Techineque” Coronel will distrubute the food and gooods when we seize the means of production

    each according to his need at walmart and amazzon NOT GREED

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