More Bodyguard Music Videos

NIRVANA : France Farmer Will Have her Revenge on Seattle

Whitney Houston: My Love is your Love


1989 = Nelly Furtado > Ivonne Fonseca

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2 Replies to “More Bodyguard Music Videos”


    The power of the psychiatrists had mushroomed during the war, as psychiatrists were stationed with each unit, just as Communists commissars were placed in each combat unit of the Red Army to identify and arrest any dissenters. As the sole victors of World War II, the Jews rapidly extended the influence of psychotherapy over every aspect of American life.

    In 1946, Harry Truman signed the National Mental Health Act, which brought “mental health” organizations into almost very community in America. These organizations quickly became local outposts of the State of Israel, seeking out and punishing those Americans who were afflicted with “the running sores of anti-Semitism”, as the Jewish Gestapo group, the Anti-Defamation League, characterized anyone who criticized the subversion of the American government by the State of Israel.

    No sooner had Dr. Nicholson released Frances Farmer than he received anxious messages. The news that their victim was no longer imprisoned terrified the Hollywood Communists. Dr. Nicholson was instructed to seize her and return her to Steilacoom. Her freedom had lasted less than two weeks. She was now to endure six years of concentrated treatment intended for only one purpose: To destroy her mind so that she would never be able to identify the Hollywood Communists. She was immediately put back on the weekly schedule of shock treatments.

    Besides enduring the weekly shock treatments, Frances Farmer, who had been consigned back to Steilacoom at a court hearing at which she was not even present, now became the victim of a new operation, the CIA LSD experiments. For more than a year, Frances Farmer received daily doses of LSD, as well as the weekly shock treatments.


    Despite this cruel regimen, her tormentors were dismayed to find that her brain had not been destroyed. There remained one final horror for her, a treatment which was guaranteed to destroy the brain of anyone. This was prefrontal lobotomy, which in every case had totally destroyed the rational capacity of its victims. A Portuguese doctor, Edgar Muniz, developed this technique for “curing mental illness” in 1935. For this contribution to human well-being, he received the Nobel Prize in 1949.

    Hundreds of thousands of lobotomies were performed in Europe and the United States. Dr. Walter Freeman, head of The Dept. of Neurology at Georgetown University, became an enthusiastic advocate of prefrontal lobotomy after studying with Muniz. He refined Muniz’ technique by inserting an ice-pick type of instrument under the eyelid into the brain, and severing the nerve from the cortex to the thalamus which directed rational thought.

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