I’m not going to sit here and watch this serial killer Trudeau cripple and kill our children with his bogus vaccines.
This year the Angels and Saints pray that all lthe bikers ride on Ottawa. End our Bono debt. Bono asked Justin politely to cancel our debts but Trudeau did not respond to his jubilee request.
I’m not in love with Judas anymore….i love Christ
a bird told me a story that i would be happy again
Clouds have been grey, but this rainy town has turning inot sunshine and rainbows….
i lied to roseanne about being abused at Catholic school. She wanted sympathy.
Sao Miguel Neves armed us with Knives. His older cousin from Templeton protected us from the ravenous bishops who wanted to punish us for stealing Soft drinks from Sister Helen’s stash….we were sugar addicts…not our fault…7/11 ads were to blame