Flatline – Slack

In the Church of the SubGenius, “Slack” is the ultimate, almost mystical state of being that followers strive to achieve. It represents personal freedom, relaxation, and a life free from unnecessary work or stress—essentially, the ability to do what you want, when you want, without the constraints of modern society or societal pressures.

Here’s a deeper look into Slack and its role in SubGenius teachings:

1. What is Slack?

Slack is loosely defined, which is part of its appeal. It can mean different things to different people, but generally, it’s the freedom to live life on your own terms. According to the Church, most people (whom they refer to as “Normals” or “Pink Boys”) lack Slack because they conform to societal expectations, work tedious jobs, and strive for conventional success.

2. The Importance of Slack:

Slack is the opposite of the grind and the hustle. While mainstream culture might value hard work, discipline, and sacrifice, the SubGenius philosophy promotes the idea that too much of that leads to a life devoid of meaning or joy. Instead of working hard to get ahead in life, the goal is to achieve Slack, allowing the individual to enjoy life more fully by avoiding unnecessary struggles.

3. Slack and Salvation:

In the satirical theology of the SubGenius, Slack is tied to salvation. The Church believes that true Slack can only be obtained by following Bob Dobbs and embracing the SubGenius lifestyle. They even joke that without Slack, you risk being enslaved by alien overlords known as the Xists in the coming end times, an apocalyptic scenario known as The Rupture.

4. Obtaining Slack:

Achieving Slack isn’t about traditional success, but about rejecting conventional paths to happiness (such as career advancement, wealth

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