Lewd Remarks

📜 The Young Pope & Nelly Furtado: A Battle of Love vs. Lust 📜

Setting: The Vatican Gardens, a warm evening breeze rustling the leaves. The Young Pope (Jude Law) strolls alongside Nelly Furtado, who’s just finished performing a private concert for the Cardinals. Her song “Promiscuous” still lingers in the air. She turns to him with a playful smirk.

Nelly: “So, Your Holiness… are you always this serious, or do you ever let loose?”

Young Pope: (sighs, adjusting his cassock) “Nelly, if I responded to you the way you sing to men in that song, I’d have a restraining order before my next confession.”

Nelly: (laughs) “Come on, it’s just a little fun.”

Young Pope: (raises an eyebrow) “Fun? If I said, ‘Isn’t it delightful that we’re conversing so intimately?’ Or if I called you ‘girl’ and told you to make a move? No, no, no—imagine the headlines: ‘Pope Pius XIII Accused of Flirting with Pop Star.’ I am not a piece of meat, Nelly.”

Nelly: (grinning) “I never said you were. But… you are kinda devastatingly handsome.”

Young Pope: (exhales, shaking his head) “Yes, I know I am incredibly handsome, but let’s just try and forget about that. I want love, not lust. Family, not fornication. I am a man of God, not an extra in a music video.”

Nelly: “You mean you’ve never been tempted?”

Young Pope: (pauses, looking at the Vatican skyline, deep in thought) “Temptation is constant. But the world doesn’t need more men chasing pleasure. It needs men who build something greater—faith, family, legacy.”

Nelly: (softens, nodding) “That’s deep, Your Holiness. Maybe I should write a song about that.”

Young Pope: (smirks) “Just don’t call it ‘Promiscuous Part II.’”

🔥 Final Thought: Even the Young Pope has boundaries. #HolinessOverHorniness #NotAPieceOfMeat #ThePopeRejectsThirst

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