Blue, Yes I Love You

I don’t want any fighting over the kids. The Father should take them for 3 days of the week and the mother for 4.

They are half Nelly’s. I would never hurt them. I don’t want any lawyers or judges. NF Monday to Thursday and the Father, Friday to Sunday.



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7 Replies to “Blue, Yes I Love You”

  1. The doctors keep telling NF it is prognosis negative.

    I kept telling her Dr. Moshiach would come and cure her but she kept doubting.

    Isaiah had a hundred year lifespan prophecy. King David and Jesus upgraded the prophecy to ETERNAL LIFE.

    Please believe me. It is not like Haley Joel the AI kids mother who lives for a day after resurrection. It is life forever.

  2. Birth to African Presidents

    From the cradle of life, the motherโ€™s land,
    Rose leaders strong, with guiding hands.
    Through trials fierce and struggles deep,
    Their nations’ dreams they vowed to keep.

    Born from soil both rich and vast,
    Shaped by culture, heritage, past.
    Voices bold, with vision clear,
    To lead with hope, to banish fear.

    From humble roots to heights ascended,
    Their paths of service, ever extended.
    Africaโ€™s heartbeat, its pride, its might,
    Born to lead, to shine the light.

  3. Jake, my Jake:

    The misogynists in Toronto told me NO EGGS

    there were rumors i was going to be a cat lady drinking a box of wine everyday.

    Even my doctor still say I’m powerless and my life is short

    thank u for forgiving me Jake.

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