Nelly’s Dowry

Noun. 1. dowery – money or property brought by a woman to her husband at marriage. dower, dowry, portion. gift – something acquired without compensation.

Hand holding Deal:

In our reactive mind when we danced i promised her webpage/videopress webmaster for ten percent…not half like N wants

she’s breadwinner…the old 80’s working girl american dream
i’m not gonna stress about the co2 and the lights
UN Sec General Antonio wants us to build and European Union lightbulb…only difference is thicker tungsten precious metal
night vs day….light vs dark…never ending battle like the waves against the shore
i invest so much time in the Portuguese Princess
I am muslim like Sinead…i don’t believe in valentines day so i’m making a V day post

maybe two negatives make a positive


camilla cabello ending is Woman pilots helicopter
girl is supposed to pilot
playing the carnival game makes u an expert
everyone is sick of damsel in distress story

Happy Ending?

Joe blacklist, depending on Powerful woman? Camilla said she wants the bus boy…the wait her.

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