Jubilee – New Years Day

Jubilee 2000 was a global movement that aimed to cancel the debt of the world’s poorest countries by the year 2000. Here is a brief overview of its goals, history, and impact:


  1. Debt Cancellation: To campaign for the cancellation of unpayable debt owed by poor countries, particularly in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
  2. Economic Justice: To promote more equitable economic relations between rich and poor nations.
  3. Awareness: To raise public awareness about the impact of debt on developing countries.


  • Origins: The movement was initiated by a coalition of organizations, including religious groups, development NGOs, and grassroots movements. It was inspired by the biblical concept of Jubilee, which called for the cancellation of debts every 50 years.
  • Launch: Officially launched in the mid-1990s, Jubilee 2000 garnered widespread support from various sectors, including churches, celebrities, and ordinary citizens.
  • Petition: One of the movement’s most significant actions was a global petition that gathered millions of signatures calling for debt cancellation.


  • Debt Relief Initiatives: The campaign successfully pressured international financial institutions and governments to take action. Key initiatives included the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, which provided debt relief to qualifying countries.
  • Policy Changes: Many countries received significant debt relief, which allowed them to redirect funds towards social services like health, education, and infrastructure.
  • Legacy: While the movement did not achieve all its goals by 2000, it laid the groundwork for ongoing advocacy and policy changes regarding international debt and development.

Jubilee 2000 was instrumental in highlighting the issues of global debt and economic injustice, creating a lasting impact on international policy and public awareness.

The 25th anniversary of the Jubilee 2000 movement is a significant milestone, marking a quarter-century since the global campaign began its push for debt cancellation for the world’s poorest countries. Here are some reflections and potential activities that could be considered for this anniversary:

Reflections on the 25th Anniversary:

  1. Achievements: Reflect on the accomplishments of the Jubilee 2000 movement, including the debt relief provided to numerous developing countries and the increased global awareness of economic justice issues.
  2. Challenges: Acknowledge the ongoing challenges and the areas where more work is needed, such as the debt crises faced by many countries today, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and global economic instability.
  3. Legacy: Celebrate the lasting legacy of Jubilee 2000 in inspiring subsequent movements and policies focused on debt relief, fair trade, and economic justice.

Potential Activities for the 25th Anniversary:

  1. Global Events: Organize international events, including conferences, webinars, and panel discussions, to bring together activists, policymakers, and scholars to discuss the impact of Jubilee 2000 and the future of debt relief.
  2. Campaigns: Launch new advocacy campaigns aimed at addressing contemporary debt issues, drawing on the principles and successes of Jubilee 2000 to inspire action.
  3. Publications: Publish reports, articles, and books that document the history and impact of Jubilee 2000, as well as current perspectives on debt and economic justice.
  4. Educational Initiatives: Develop educational programs and materials to teach new generations about the importance of debt relief and economic justice, using Jubilee 2000 as a case study.
  5. Commemorative Actions: Hold vigils, prayer services, and other commemorative actions to honor those who have been affected by global debt and to recommit to the cause of economic justice.

Message of Hope and Continuity:

  • Solidarity: Emphasize the importance of global solidarity and the interconnectedness of all nations in addressing economic challenges.
  • Renewed Commitment: Encourage a renewed commitment to advocating for debt relief and economic justice, building on the foundation laid by Jubilee 2000.
  • Future Vision: Inspire a vision for a future where economic policies are fair and just, and where the burden of debt does not hinder the development and well-being of any nation.

The 25th anniversary of Jubilee 2000 is an opportunity to celebrate past victories, reflect on ongoing challenges, and galvanize a new generation to continue the fight for economic justice and equity.

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Bono – Jubilee 25

Bono, the lead singer of the rock band U2, was a key figure in the Jubilee 2000 campaign. Jubilee 2000 was an international movement in the late 1990s that aimed to cancel third world debt by the year 2000. The campaign was inspired by the biblical concept of Jubilee, a time of debt forgiveness and renewal.

Key Points About Bono and Jubilee 2000:

  1. Advocacy and Publicity:
    • Bono used his fame to draw attention to the issue of debt relief for developing countries.
    • He participated in high-profile events and engaged with world leaders to advocate for debt cancellation.
  2. Collaboration with Other Activists:
    • Bono worked alongside other prominent activists and organizations. The campaign united various groups, including religious organizations, non-profits, and other celebrities.
  3. Engagement with Politicians:
    • Bono was known for his ability to bridge the gap between grassroots activism and high-level political engagement. He met with influential leaders, including Pope John Paul II and U.S. President Bill Clinton, to discuss debt relief.
  4. Impact of the Campaign:
    • The Jubilee 2000 campaign is credited with significant successes. It raised global awareness about the debt crisis in developing countries and led to substantial debt relief initiatives by the World Bank, IMF, and various governments.
  5. Legacy:
    • The efforts of Bono and the Jubilee 2000 campaign laid the groundwork for subsequent initiatives focused on poverty reduction and global justice, such as the ONE Campaign, which Bono co-founded.


Bono’s involvement in Jubilee 2000 exemplifies how celebrities can leverage their public profiles to effect significant social and political change. The campaign highlighted the power of coordinated global action and set a precedent for future advocacy efforts in international development.


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