Taylor Swift Asylum

A functioning alcoholic is someone who is able to maintain their daily responsibilities such as work, family, and social activities while also regularly consuming alcohol in excessive amounts. Despite the ability to function in their daily life, a functioning alcoholic may still experience negative consequences from their drinking, such as health problems, relationship issues, and legal troubles. It is important for individuals who identify as functioning alcoholics to seek help and support in order to address their drinking habits and prevent further harm.

Taylor Swift fortnight refers to a two-week period in which Taylor Swift is the center of attention, whether it be due to a new album release, a major event in her personal or professional life, or any other reason that causes an increase in her popularity and media coverage. This term is often used by fans or the media to signify a period of heightened Taylor Swift-related activity.

They call them miracle drugs, because it’s a miracle if you survive. They call them wonder drugs, because you wonder what they are going to do to you.


Taylor Swift does not deserve to be on drugs the rest of her life.

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