Croatian Fertility Song


my children living in a pig world of vaccines and LIES. Especially the way the pigs turn their heads from the 9/11 swindle

You are right dad, at least “our thing” la cosa nostra has a code of honor. The Mason order of police can’t see what an illuminati clubhouse looks like. The Eyes Wide Shut mansion in Kubrick’s Illuminati documentary.

This Greek Melina actress is especially cowardly seeing her Greek Civilization levelled economically. The Greek financial collapse from the EURO 666 coins.

at least Tiffany let me have my secret forum

Dad, let’s go deer hunting when the ponzi scheme crumbles

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21 Replies to “Croatian Fertility Song”


    i think i can be on top of the new world trade

    all it takes is jay z and beyonce avatars

    sweet jimmy taught jay z to be ILLUMINIATI WISE

    my messianic jews took him to the top, i read Beyonce lyrics they are trying to make her see the head shrinkers…asking her how her mood is

  2. There was 25 more minutes of hints.

    But that got cut out of the movie.

    I name dropped the rockfeller’s when the model said she had a speck in her eye…all seeing eye understand?

    Who is richer than the Rockefeller’s? I hope the impossible mission force is on the case.

  3. The mission impossible force has been on the case for 25 years Stan.

    I am a fast learner but there is no solid proof on the internets.

    I guess we will need a few more decades to unmask the guy in the red cloak.

    signed, TC

    Greatest American Hero.

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