Detective Max Payne is a veteran in the Cold Case Unit of the New York City Police Department (NYPD). He is consumed with investigating and finding the murderer of his wife Michelle and their infant child Rose.
Max Payne is an odd ride through the New York criminal underworld, with hallucinations, Norse mythology, and the occult.
I admit I’ve never played a Max Payne game but I watched my brother as he played. Max is after Jack Lupino, an insane New York mafia boss. Lupino is Satanic. Max believes he killed his wife and daughter. Lupino is mad from the drug he takes “Valkyr”.
“I have tasted the flesh of fallen angels!”
―Jack Lupino, 2001.
The Valkyries: Chooser of the Slain
The Valkyries are female warlike virgins, who mounts upon horses and arms themselves with helmets and spears. They decides who will die in a battle. They will hover over the battlefield, like birds over their prey. There will be six, nine, or thirteen Valkyries at a time. They will select among half of those who dies in battle. And then bring them to Valhalla.
The other half will go to the goddess Freya’s afterlife field Folkvangr. Freya always has the first pick, of the fallen Vikings. Odin allows some of the maidens to take the form of beautiful white swans, but if a Valkyrie is seen by a human without her swanlike disguise, she will become an ordinary mortal and can never again return to Valhalla.
Max finds occult books at a nightclub called Ragnarock.
In Norse mythology, Ragnarok is a series of apocalyptic events that will define the end of the world, where giants of frost and fire will together fight the gods in a final battle that will ultimately destroy the planet, submerging it under water. According to the legend, the world will resurface, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors.
Max Payne finds tarot cards in the game. The Death tarot symbolized rebirth. Tarot cards like Death, the Devil, the Tower illustrate scenes from the Apocalypse. The cards were for the illiterate who could not read the book of Revelation. They have their origin in Egypt and Kabbalah.
The word on Lisa Punchinello was that she was a bit of a witch. The tarot cards on the kitchen table fit the picture. They weren’t my kind of cards, but I was willing to take a crack at the hand Mrs. Punchinello had dealt. The first card was The Tower, maybe that was supposed to be the manor. It got easy after that, The Devil was the master of the house.. And Death was me- coming for him.
Max meets Christa Balder. Christa is a female given name, which derives from the Greek word, “Christos”, meaning “anointed” or “chosen one”. Balder is the Norse God who will be reborn after Ragnarock and judge the world. Very similar to Jesus Christ. Christa is overcome with grief for her lost husband just as Balder’s wife Nanna was overcome with grief by his death.
Balder is the son of Odin and Frigg.
Balder has a brother named Hod.
Balder is married to Nanna, they have a son named Forsete.
Balder is the most beautiful and kind of the Aesir, and all in Asgard praises him. Balder means “Lord”. Balder is the wisest of all the Viking gods, well spoken of and the most gentle. But he is plagued by bad dreams that mustn’t come true.
“A bit closer to heaven.”
The Aesir Corporation is a major pharmaceutical company run by Nicole Horne. They are the manufacturers of the illegal drug Valkyr. The organization employs the Punchinello crime family to distribute valkyr on the streets
Max Payne reminds us of our own Ragnarock, the 9/11 attacks and the war in the middle east. After the war Balder will return to rule the New Earth. Mark Wahlberg, who plays Max in the movie cancelled his doomed 9/11 flight. Until a hard boiled detective finds the truth about that day the war will go on. All it takes is one good detective to bring justice to victory.
I can’t stand all this ultraviolence.
Sweden is finished. Ragnarok has taken them. There are no more white children.
Nelly is from Victoria. V is Alex Jones symbol for Victory. Our latest X Files are based on Alex Jones and depopulation. That’s what Fatima is scared of in Lisa Farrah Furtado’s book. Maybe Fatima isn’t so crazy?
We gotta think on another level Scully, like the CIA does. Joe’s head is Balder and his black dreams in the tarot must never be fulfilled.
One EMP from a rogue nation would send north america into chaos and bring my kind of future.
That would fulfill the prophecy of Jack Van Impe as he reads revelation. My esteemed collegue. google him.
Max keeps the P226R level long enough for a fair amount of snow to cluster on it. The snow used is fake snow, as real snow would melt from Max’s body heat as he handles the gun and the fact he fired it moments before. The gun cycles. We then see the bullet fly to its target. In reality, a bullet is in its target commonly before the gun even cycles.
Joe wants Tesla’s files Mulder. How much longer can the FBI hide the files? Our show is getting stale.
The department of defence has the papers.
Free energy would be a strategic disadvantage for the DOD.
More about the nordic apocalypse:
The result of the war will be that Thor and Odin and most of the gods will die, and the dragons will release fire that will destroy all life on Earth.
But this is not the end. Things will start again with a new race, a new world will arise from the depths of the seas. The first two mortals will be called Lif (woman) and Lifthrasir (man) and they will repopulate Earth. The gods Vali and Vidar, as well as the sons of Thor and Hoenir, who survive the battle, will go to Idavoll, which will not be destroyed in Ragnarok. The gods Balder and Hoder will be returned to life and a new era will begin.
The apocalyptic story of Ragnarok shows the battle between gods, a battle with severe consequences for both humans and gods