In Defence of Nelly Furtado

a typical white knight defends a woman for her behavior

Everyone hates white knights these days. I dared her to have baby. That Madonna Truth or Dare. She had baby but wouldn’t marry. Then I dared her to get married. Told her no to REV 19 world religion wedding. So she got married but didn’t get pregnant.

Mea Culpa…My fault…Gospa told me that redemption of the Jews would be a long ride. Psalm 2019 redemption psalm with her TRY Lady Justice video. She put the messiah curse/blessing on me when were kids when she read the Apocalypto prophecy to us.


Maneater was for a mad dog called Gadaffi. She did the Robin hood shit with Daddy moamar’s money. She signed a contract. They wanted club banger music. So she gave them what they asked for. She never posed naked. Just did some arse jiggling for the money. She was poor like me growing up. Like alot of us. Didn’t expect any cinderella story back in poor times. But people around her told her she was destined for musical fame and fortune. Like me the John Cusack boom box boy. We wanted NEW sensation but not INXS conspicuous consumption. Instead of the designer crap MUgatu clothes we want the money to heal our mutual friends. Lend them some money without interest so they don’t have to live in the Trump Phallic Towers of terror.

I knew she was the real deal Christa avatar on 9/11 when the whole forum said WHOA NELLY….it’s the end of the world (TC). So I was SEMPER FI always faithful like the Marines taught me. NO wombman got Jakes seed after 911. I just work and wait till the mighty fall, like Dr. Richard Rockefeller (cockafeller). I can feel my DIana Troi star trek empath powers on Old man Jacob rothschild. I felt him crying finally after so much blood of Goyim/Cattle soldiers he financed wars to kill. He knows he’s doomed, so he cries like a bitch. Knows he is headed for jail or murdered by a lone nut.

Oh how the mighty have crumbled into dust like the World (TC)

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4 Replies to “In Defence of Nelly Furtado”

  1. I can give u Mary’s ring “heart of the ocean” but not blood diamond. it might fit on your thumb…but she wants us to romance the stone from her….like Michael Douglas movie

  2. brother mike has crush on LA furtado ever since he met Tia Maria…smokes to get him through the day. Diaz Grocery after….little portugal and little croatia r right next to each other here in east van

    i’m gonna go for 5th approach on NF….maybe i will land on the carrier and not crash and burn like nintendo top gun game
    me and my brother get aroused by books…the people perish for lack of knowledge

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