
Gnomeo, ever the schemer, leans in close to Juliet and says, “Listen, love, I’ve got an idea. A reality show. You, me, our wild adventures—just imagine it! We rake in the gold, and I split the loot with you, fair and square.”

Juliet crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow. “And what exactly are we filming?”

“Our daily lives! The drama, the romance, the garden feuds—people love that sort of thing! We’ll be bigger than Romeo and that other Juliet.”

She smirks. “And what happens when the cameras catch you sneaking off with Benny to stir up trouble?”

Gnomeo winks. “That’s what keeps them watching.”

Juliet sighs, but a smile tugs at her lips. “Fine. But I want 60%.”

“Fifty-fifty!” Gnomeo protests.

Juliet shrugs. “Then no show.”

Gnomeo groans. “Alright, alright! 60-40! But if this flops, we’re going back to lawn decorating.”

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