I will tell about the Hardy Boys teenage dreams with the Nancy Drew Sisters
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7 Replies to “Lisa”
We were supposed to go to Victoria to meet the Nancy Drew/Lisbon sisters
but everyone had a scarface education instead of a HIPPY flower children attitude…our teenage dream was to paint Joe Coelho’s green hippy van and go to washington and protest the war in Iraq….I cancelled kiboshed meeting the sisters when i heard about their intention get rich slangin, feeding cocaine rocks at teenage school children
I think you are right when u say psychiatrists are worse than Jehovah’s witnesses….psychlos keep prying into your personal life….building leverage…..brainwashing patients with TV propaganda enhanced with their drugs/pharmakeia
U got to stick together with this girl…..like the trailer park boys lesson of how one fumar/cigarette is easily broken, but a pack of cigarettes together are hard to break
We were supposed to go to Victoria to meet the Nancy Drew/Lisbon sisters
but everyone had a scarface education instead of a HIPPY flower children attitude…our teenage dream was to paint Joe Coelho’s green hippy van and go to washington and protest the war in Iraq….I cancelled kiboshed meeting the sisters when i heard about their intention get rich slangin, feeding cocaine rocks at teenage school children
Panda don’t breed in captivity
I think you are right when u say psychiatrists are worse than Jehovah’s witnesses….psychlos keep prying into your personal life….building leverage…..brainwashing patients with TV propaganda enhanced with their drugs/pharmakeia
U got to stick together with this girl…..like the trailer park boys lesson of how one fumar/cigarette is easily broken, but a pack of cigarettes together are hard to break
they are in cahoots with big pharma, the canadian psychiatric association
Makes me want to see the world burn how they treat such a sweet, innocent girl
That’s Tia Maria’s nieces? From Diaz Grocery…..i loved tia maria and her shop….my 20 friends to get me through the day, my smokes/fumars
Now how do i quit? hypnosis?
alone we are weak…
BUT together we are strong
Stay away from people like me.
yes he is very dangerous
pirating music and movies