Moniz Answers What’s Going on With Aids

artists aids nelly furtado

Hey bros. I can feel people are down now that Charlie Sheen has Aids. People are asking what’s going on? Double MM will sell you all you need to cure your Aids. We need a revolutionary new Moniz treatment. To bring back the glory of the Moniz name. I think Aids victims should try Selenium and Black seed instead of the drugs. It’s a reading rainbow bros.

Give me the nobel prize. That would be primo.

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9 Replies to “Moniz Answers What’s Going on With Aids”

  1. Good job Moniz.

    these are all anecdotal stories. the big drug companies will never do tests on anything natural. wheat grass is another anecdotal cure.

    super food pyramid

    don’t expect miracles if you are still eating big bacon classics. old food pyramid is a scam.

  2. Those are the latest natural treatments for aids bro. there are so many results on google for aids and those products but Dr. Oz and Dr. Drew Pinsky ignore it bro. Neon lights bro. nobel prize. gotta get another nobel in the family bro.

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