In our rival high schools NF and I both wanted to be COOL so bad. So we dared to be stupid, like “Weird AL” Yankovic taught us in his Transformers movie.
I’m wearing my lucky beret, so let’s play some CHESS.
Fan Club & Reality Show
In our rival high schools NF and I both wanted to be COOL so bad. So we dared to be stupid, like “Weird AL” Yankovic taught us in his Transformers movie.
I’m wearing my lucky beret, so let’s play some CHESS.
I’m telling you Snake, old man Rothschild CASTLED and moved to Israel with Epstien.
Radovan Karadzic spent 13 years on the run before being handed over to the tribunal.
He had been found living in disguise in Belgrade, under a false name and working …
If the Rothschild’s outsmarted mighty warlord Napoleon Bonaparte…
Is it possible they outsmarted mighty warlord George W Bush?
You misunderstimate me Mr. Gervais!
So psalm 91 = desert shield of camp david?
and psalm 92 = pouring rich oil on the Bush family?
Kick their ass and take their gas? I love true religion jeans but not this sleeping in a coffin, yale thing, true religion Mr. Bush.
They Iraqis were evildoers. I was protecting the Lord’s city from evildoers!
Je ne peux pas vous quitter, M. Bush. Vos missiles Patriot me font me sentir en sécurité.
If you don’t succeed, you run the risk of failure.
U SON OF A @!$%#!@$%