Sister Bernadette & Lourdes Water

Sister Bernadette was a teacher at st. joseph’s in east van

I always wanted to get that special girl the special water, which was on sale for $19.99 a bottle back in the late 1980’s. Damn twisted sister’s should of thought outside the box and got the local spring water for our sick classmates. They kept feeding us hotdogs and mcdonalds, and just enough vitamin C to have low level scurvy.

my mom sees matt damon on TV hawking vaccines for big pharma and thinks he is a good will hunting genius. NO MARY, u gotta be a Sheenius and watch apocalypse now vaccine truth.

Damon ain’t no genius. But old GF Nelly wants to hang around Damon’s hollywood crew so bad instead of her old friends. I just don’t understand what the lure is about Matt Damon. Why women think he is a math genius. I want to challenge Damon to explain Pythagorean theorem to everyone if he is such a supergenius hero who saves the world.

ben affleck squared by matt damon squared = jlo squared

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8 Replies to “Sister Bernadette & Lourdes Water”

  1. Revelation 18:4 Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
    “Come out of her, my people,so as not to take part in her sins and receive a share in her plagues,


  2. sean penn used his POWERS for evil…not good

    (CNN)Sean Penn will not return to the set of his new show “Gaslit” until the entire cast and crew have received Covid vaccinations, the star’s representative confirmed to CNN on Friday.

  3. i saw miss nelly get diagnosed manic for being EXCITED on the television…she looked ECSTATIC….finally making it…her childhood dream…humans were meant to CRY…in their natural state…we aren’t DAMN MACHINES

    Winston Churchill – Bipolar Disorder?

    Like Lincoln, Churchill was a great leader dealing not only with international strife but his own mental struggles at the same time. In his 30s, he complained to his friends that he was hounded by the “black dog of depression.” He sat in the Houses of Parliament and contemplated suicide. Churchill told his doctor that he had to be careful where he stood in a train station:

    “I don’t like standing near the edge of a platform when an express train is passing through,” he told his doctor. “I like to stand right back and if possible get a pillar between me and the train. I don’t like to stand by the side of a ship and look down into the water. A second’s action would end everything. A few drops of desperation.”

    The black dog would follow him the rest of his life. When in his mild manic phases he was personable, but his moods could change quickly. During periods of high mania he would stay up all night writing, eventually producing 43 books on top of attending to his political duties.

    CHURCHILL WAS A DRUNK…not bipolar…drunken fire bombing master of war

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