The Chosen is a popular television series that tells the story of Jesus and his disciples from a unique perspective. The series focuses on the personal journeys of each disciple and how they came to follow Jesus. The Chosen has been praised for its high production values, strong character development, and innovative storytelling techniques. It has gained a large following and has been praised for its faithfulness to the biblical accounts while also bringing a fresh perspective to the story of Jesus. Overall, The Chosen is a well-received series that has resonated with viewers around the world.
Who is Lady Gaga to you JCJ?
She is just a sick patient. You are the love interest NF.
Nobody wants a sick girl.
Did i not come back after you sang your song?
when i heard your song i came right back from Croatia.
i worked so hard to change your world.
I’ll see you in the city of Victory….forget about las vegas
You won the yellow lollipop at musical chairs, so u wore a yellow dress at the sock hop that was after the square dance….
The age has come where the world will never thirst again, if we can break the Nestle monopoly.
JCJ, your 9/11 analysis is spot on:
it was those white anglo saxon protestants
who demolished the towers…how quick people were to blame the Jews, even as Dubya launched his unholy crusade as the new messiah