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Former prime minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau served in the mid-1990s on Power Corp.’s international advisory board. Reply
I’m not asking U2 riot i’m not asking U2 fight in a war i’m not asking u2 protest i’m asking u2 vote 1 click at a time…we can vote our way to freedom Reply
Former prime minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau served in the mid-1990s on Power Corp.’s international advisory board.
is the only real POWER couple of Canada
Le pouvoir est à nous
Last election:
i voted GREEN
IF canadians want their PUBLIC BANK back…
Jelly is their only hope
The only time Jesus used violence was:
against the MONEY MASTERS
I’m not asking U2 riot
i’m not asking U2 fight in a war
i’m not asking u2 protest
i’m asking u2 vote
1 click at a time…we can vote our way to freedom
mon ami justin a été blessé pendant le travail. dans l’utérus. manque d’oxygène
i’m voting for whoever smokes crack on the job
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”
― Joseph Stalin